Curran Gas Services was set up in 2001 by Jimmy Curran and Tom Moore to provide services in the design, installation and maintenance of medical and process gas systems in Ireland. Jimmy was a senior member of the installation team with BOC gases and had over 25 years’ experience designing and installing gas systems in both medical and Laboratory/pharmaceutical industries.  Tom trained as an accountant in the UK and was CFO at Hull Blyth & Co, a subsidiary of Ocean Group PLC, one of the UK’s leading transport and shipping companies. Tom returned to Ireland in 1994 and was appointed CFO to KMS mechanical contractors  where he stayed until he set up Curran Gas Services with Jimmy in 2001. Sadly Jimmy passed away in 2014. Gareoid Moynihan and Gareth Moore have since been appointed directors


Curran Gas Services are a leading specialist in the design, installation and maintenance of medical & process gases in Ireland. We strive to ensure that our client receives the full package when it comes to service and that all industry standards are met. With that in mind, CGS are BCGA certified and all supervisory staff are qualified AP MPGS which enable us to install medical gas systems under HTM-0201.